TimeRide Cologne

1st station: Kaiserpanorama

Compare past and present in a selection of 3D pictures showing famous Cologne landmarks and places of interest. The collection features original old stereoscopic photographs, which create an illusion of depth – just like the “Kaiserpanorama” viewers that were popular around 1900. For many people, these photo viewing apparatuses, were the first and only way of capturing vivid impressions of faraway places and exotic cultures.

Our prices

We have got different offers for families, senior citizens For more information and our ticket prices please visit: [https://timeride.de/en/koeln/tickets/](https://timeride.de/en/koeln/tickets/)

Our VR glasses for the historical journey

Your time travel to the old Cologne starts here:

Your trip back to the Imperial Era takes about 45 minutes. Three fascinating stations will take you back to the former Cologne. There are always several tours per hour.

3rd station: VR experience

Highlight of the exhibition: In a replica of the first electric tram, you can fully immerse yourself in the living past using a virtual reality headset. Embark on our 15-minute tour through the old city of Cologne as it looked before both World Wars. Enjoy the 360° panoramic view sitting directly next to the tram driver. Feeling a gentle breeze and smooth vibrations of the tram, revelling in the sights and sounds of the past, you can admire not only the stunning architecture but become a witness of this time period with all its flair.

Welcome to old Cologne

Immerse yourself in the old Cologne of the imperial era and experience the life and activity of that time up close with virtual reality. Become a contemporary witness of this golden era of Cologne's city history!


We are looking forward to your visit!

The first electronic tram

Takes a seat in the Cologne tram and is eagerly awaiting the heart of the time travel.

Historical gift ideas

Whether as a souvenir or as a gift. Besides unique time travels we also offer many contemporary souvenirs.

History lesson

The background why Cologne is spelled here with a "C" and the map looks a little different as usual, you can find out here from our time travel companions. Feel free to bring some questions with you.

2nd station: Cinema

In our cinema you travel through Cologne’s eventful history – from its start in the Roman era through medieval and imperial times to the present day. The documentary film produced exclusively for TimeRide VR will give you an overview in a concise and easy-to-understand format. At the end, there will be a short, humorous video tutorial explaining how to use our VR headsets.