Motorworld Cologne

Roller-Paradies GmbH & Co. KG

Butzweilerstraße 35 – 39 50829 Köln-OssendorfNatalie Rütter Tel. +49 221 22204164 Fax +49 221 22204166 [](

Gulf - die Kultmarke

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Michael Schumacher Private Collection & Fan Shop

Armin Flossdorf

Armins first impact with Formula 1 happened in Germany years ago while watching the first race. After studies... still fascinated by the focus and extreme pressure of the F1 drivers, he felt that he could produce his paintings with the same engird and speed that goes hand in hand with fast driving.

4 Takt Hangar Lounge

[further Infos 4 Takt Hangar Lounge](


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4 Takt Hangar

[further informations about 4 Takt Hangar Lounge](


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Porsche Modellautos

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Luxury Gadgets

Frank Schüttler Butzweilerstraße 35-39 D-50829 KölnTelefon: +49 (0) 221 945 886-04 Mobil: +49 (0) 178 878 33 17 E-Mail:[](

F1 Arts

Armin Flossdorf Mobil: +49 (0)1525 - 2363893Hof 5a D-52062 [](

V8 Hotel

Butzweilerstraße 35-39 50829 Köln Tel. +49 221 572760 Fax +49 221 57276999 [](

Room Pit Stop

In the tour you can see the U-shape [more information about the conference room](

Pit Lane

[more info about Pit Lane conference room](


Butzweilerstraße 35-39 50829 KölnReservierungen telefonisch unter: +49 221 42914969 Per E-Mail:[Webseite](

Luxury Gadgets

Frank Schüttler Butzweilerstraße 35-39 D-50829 KölnTelefon: +49 (0) 221 945 886-04 Mobil: +49 (0) 178 878 33 17 E-Mail:[](

4 Takt Hangar Lounge

[further informations about 4 Takt Hangar Lounge](

Welcome at Motorworld Köln-Rheinland

Historische Empfangshalle

[weitere Infos zur Historischen Empfangshalle](

Gulf - die Kultmarke

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abcfinance GmbH

classic-car-solutions Butzweilerstraße 35-39 D-50829 Köln [](


Oldtimer Service AutoreparaturFrankfurter Straße 109 51065 KölnTelefon: 0221 / 16861858 Mobil: 0172 / 2487844E-Mail:[Webseite VL Oldtimer Service Köln](

General Informations

Operating Hours: Mo-Sa 07:30-20:00 Uhr Su & Public Holidays: 10:00-20:00 Uhr   Phone: +49 (0) 221 27 78 80 0 E-Mail: Web: [](

Gulf Accessoires

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Porsche | History of motorsport

Porsche Motorsport is the most successful racing brand and division in the world, Porsche in itself the largest racing car manufacturer.[Buy Now](

Michael Schuhmacher Lounge

[further Infos Michael Schuhmacher Lounge](

Audio-Video-Raum MS-Private Collection

At the Ferrari command post, you can choose between legendary racing scenes, original radio announcements, roaring onboard sound of the cars and video commentaries by companions of Schumacher's special career. Just take a seat and immerse yourself in the racing action for a moment. A visit is a must for every die-hard Michael Schumacher fan and F1 enthusiast!

Nicolaus A. Otto Lounge

[more info about the Nicolaus A. Otto Lounge](